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Yana Bachynsky
Jul 25, 20232 min read
How to agree on which movie to watch with your spouse
Tell me if this scenario has ever played out in your home: you and your spouse scroll and scroll through Netflix and can’t decide what to...
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Yana Bachynsky
Jul 11, 20234 min read
Mother-child connection: do you see your child?
In the movie Avatar 2: The Way of Water, Lo’ak’s eyes swell with tears of joy upon hearing his father Jake Sully tell his son “I see...
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Yana Bachynsky
Nov 30, 20223 min read
Addressing Psychological Trauma in Therapy
In my previous blog, The Important Components of Trauma-Informed Care, I identified some of the core components of healing trauma. This...
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Yana Bachynsky
Oct 20, 20224 min read
The Important Components of Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma: more common than you think Trauma seems like such a heavy, scary word. When people hear it, they often think it applies more to...
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Yana Bachynsky
Jul 22, 20225 min read
Healing trauma the Catholic way
As a therapist, I know that a great deal of people have experienced trauma in their lives. It is scarring, leaving you feeling ripped...
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Yana Bachynsky
Jul 8, 20223 min read
Why I have compassion towards people who make bad choices
It’s easy to point to someone who is homeless, a drug addict, or a criminal and judge them for their bad decisions. They must be stupid,...
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Yana Bachynsky
Feb 7, 20224 min read
How to cope when your life changes unexpectedly
Despite any plans we’ve made for the day or routines we’ve developed over time, life has a way of throwing us a curve ball. Perhaps it’s...
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Yana Bachynsky
Aug 26, 20205 min read
The call to Authenticity and Vulnerability
I was born and raised in Russia, and there, the way people communicated with each other was very direct and straightforward. For instance...
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Yana Bachynsky
Aug 25, 20204 min read
10 ways to improve and nourish your mental health during COVID-19
As a therapist, I cannot help but reflect that during a pandemic, people who have already been experiencing mental health issues are more...
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Yana Bachynsky
Aug 24, 20204 min read
12 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Your Spouse During a Pandemic
I am here to support you with the issues that may have presented challenges for you during the pandemic. Just like everything else during...
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